一般社団法人 AYAがんの医療と支援のあり方研究会


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Last Updated:2024/12/11

AYA Oncology Alliance in Japan

About Us

Our Aims

Among 1 million people newly diagnosed with cancer in Japan, approximately 20,000 are adolescents and young adults aged 15 to 39. There are also young people with cancer from foreign countries living in Japan. Although cancer diagnosis and treatment have a tremendous impact on their lives and life plan, not enough attention has been paid to their unique experiences, anxieties and concerns because the number of AYA patients is relatively small and their diagnoses are diverse.
AYA Oncology Alliance aims to improve the prognosis and quality of life of AYA cancer patients and survivors by creating networking opportunities to all stakeholders, providing education to healthcare providers and supporters on optimal care for AYA with cancer, and promoting researches and clinical programs for AYA with cancer.

Our Vision

A healthcare and society where young people can thrive with and beyond cancer.

Our Mission

AYA Oncology Alliance brings together a community of patients, professional providers, families and friends who share a mission to improve the lives of adolescents and young adults (AYA) who are diagnosed with cancer by enhancing clinical activities, promoting researches and raising public awareness.

Greetings from the President

 The Third term Basic Plan for the Promotion of Cancer Control predisposed by the Japanese Government in 2018 has increased the momentum to improve medical care and support for AYA generation with cancer at various levels in Japan. Among such attempts, AYA Oncology Alliance, as the only organization in Japan specializing in cancer among the AYA generation, has taken a leadership role in a wide range of fields since its establishment as a hub for stakeholders involved in medical care and support. Our activities include promotion of research through academic activities, human resource development, information dissemination, social engagement and enlightenment, and international collaboration.

 AYA with cancer has unique and individual needs but rarity and diversity of cancer in AYA generation makes it difficult to fulfill every need of each person. The mission of AYA Oncology Alliance is to provide prescriptions to overcome such rarity and diversity: Our mission is to take leadership in resolving issues specific to AYA, to become an advocate for AYA cancer survivors and supporters, and to be a hub for information and human resources exchange on AYA cancer. The pace of progress in cancer care is rapid and the social situation surrounding patients and healthcare is very fluid, but fortunately AYA Oncology Alliance fosters an environment where people from different perspectives can enjoy constructive and creative dialogue, while placing emphasis on a scientific approach.
 AYA Oncology Alliance implements patient-public involvement to make difference which is truly appreciated by patients and survivors with AYA cancer. Interest and understanding from the society would empower AYA who suffers from cancer experience. We would be very grateful if you could make cancer in AYA a personal matter for you and help us in any way.

Chikako Shimizu, MD, PhD
President, AYA Oncology Alliance (AYAKEN)


Annual Conference

th Annual Conference of AYA oncology Alliance(2024)

DateMay 11 (Sat) – 12 (Sun), 2024
VenueSt. Luke’s International University
Alice Hall, Tokyo, JAPAN
PresidentMiwa Ozawa
  Director, Department of pediatrics,
  St. Luke’s International Hospital
Vice-presidentYuma Tada
  Osaka International Cancer Institute
Naomi Sakurai
  Cancer Survivors Recruiting Project
Secretariat6th Annual Conference of AYA Oncology
Alliance Secretariat Office,
Convention Plus, Inc.

5th (2023)


3rd (2021)

2nd (2020)

1st (2019)


Journal of AYA oncology Alliance

The journal is available on J-STAGE and can be viewed by members.
Please use your subscriber number and password to browse.
The journal is scheduled to be published twice a year and paper submissions are accepted at any time.
We look forward to receiving your submissions, as we want to make J-STAGE a forum for the dissemination of research results, scholarly exchange, and information transfer.


Workshop for Healthcare professionals

     • Become aware of the needs of AYA with cancer
     • Learn what you can do
     • Know where to find support for AYA with cancer
     • Lectures
     • Workshops/Group works
     • Teem building for healthcare proffesionals
  Start from 2019
     • 1 or twice a year

Social Engagement

 AYA week 2024

     • Understand, together
     • Understand current issues of AYA with cancer
     • Call for participants/organization/companies who held any
      kinds of meeting related to AYA with cancer
  Start from 2021
     • Held on 1 week

Social Network Service

      • Provision of information related to AYA cancer
      • Connections with peer support groups



Your contribution will be used for educational programs, activities to raise awareness, as well as promotion of research to help AYA with cancer survive and thrive.

Click the following button to make a donation

The credit card payment form will appear in Japanese.
You can switch the language to English by pressing the button on the top.

Contact us

AYA Oncology Alliance
CBC Annex Sakae-Building 8F
3-6-35, Nishiki, Naka-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi, 460-0003, JAPAN
FAX: +81-52-734-2183

2025年度予算案に関する厚生労働大臣と財務大臣の折衝において、医療費が高額になった場合に患者の自己負担額を抑える「高額療養費制度」について、 ひと月あたりの負担上限額が、2025年8月より段階的に引き上げられることが決まりました。 これに対し、患者団体などから、命に直結する治療への影響や治療と生活の両立への不安、拙速な議論に基づく政策決定プロセスの問題に対して、反対の声が上がっており、 そこには多くのAYA世代のがん患者やその家族、支援者の声が含まれています。 がんに関わる医療費による経済的負担は、キャリアや家庭の形成期にあり、経済面での不安がある多くのAYA世代の患者・家族にとって、現状でも重たいものです。 負担額の引き上げは、治療選択だけでなくライフプランにも影響を及ぼし、経済的理由により本来守るべき健康を損なう事態にも陥りかねません。 AYA研は、AYA世代のがんの当事者と医療者、両者の立場から、この政策に反対するとともに、AYA世代の患者の経済的な実態と負担上限額の引き上げが及ぼす影響を精査し、 政策の実施を再考することを求めます。